The Frequency Operas are translations, in the way that a radar screen is a translation of a sonic frequency into a picture that we can see.

There are many spectra of frequencies. On the electro-magnetic spectrum, we see visible light, therefore color. Bees see a different spectrum which includes ultra-violet, other creatures see other parts of the spectrum. Humans have also invented interpretive instruments in order to sense gamma rays, radio waves, microwaves and other parts of the electro-magnetic continuum.

There are other spectra. The spectrum of matter is measured as the periodic table. The spectrum of music is pitch measured in hertz. All of these things are translations through our senses or instruments, which make frequencies intelligible, which make our world intelligible and navigable.

The Frequency Operas create an environment where a phenomena we usually experience as one sense, say hearing a bee buzz, gets transferred into experiencing that through another sense, say kinesthetically. The experience of color is translated into sound, the experience of sound is translated into a visualization of the wave patterns in water. All of this focuses on the wave patterns that are around us. Our senses are tuned to certain frequencies, so we experience those patterns visually or auditorially or as feeling. That has to do with how our instrument – our bodies – are tuned. The reality is that all of these waves are just happening and we pick up whatever we can with our tuning. Much more is out there.

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