about: blood & breath

The 7 Frequency Operas narrate love stories inspired by historical myths. Each of them gives us the opportunity to explore a polarity within their own field of attractions. The audiences are immersed in multimedia storytelling experiences that decode and encode their sensorial perceptions.

Combining classical with cutting edge technology, BLOOD&BREATH narrates the legend of Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea coming to the caves of the south of France after the death of their Rabbi. Magdalene resides there in solitude undergoing an inner transformation.

The life and mystery of animals, the circulation of air and blood through the body, the vortex power of the heart driving that circulation and the circulation of the stars are here explored through images, song, and sound.

The performing elements engaged in BLOOD&BREATH, our 4th Frequency Opera, are:

cellist, harp, clarinet, percussionist, violin


Vocal Soloists

orchestral conductor