Field of Desire: A Marriage of Energy & Matter merges a story of the world coming into manifestation, the emergence of sex and the frequency of bees, through a love story from the ancient Indus Valley, of the god Šiva and his first consort, Sati.

The core frequency of Field of Desire is that of bees. The sound bees make (approximately 160 – 170 Hz ) is as a C for western music. Bees however, don’t have ears. Their communication is visceral, they feel through the sounding board of the honeycomb. This sound is also on the border where pulse becomes tone – a rich area for exploration.

This is why the architecture and tuning of the space are very important and why the various environments of the operas are made the way they are – so that the body can participate.

The composer and vocalist Lisa Sokolov has joined creator and director Honora Foà in imagining worlds that are too small, too huge, too distant, too close and finding ways to live inside of them in human scale and within human frequency ranges. Sokolov, a classically trained musician,  has made her music primarily in the genre of free jazz and a sound all her own that she calls Embodied Voice.  

And Then there was more more
gushing from the mind of the Creator,
and his sons, too, made forms,

and then the Creator stopped.

Form had begun, yes,
but how would it go on?

One thing could become that thing again,
                            become that thing again
                            become that thing again, but not …


How would there be something new?

How would the Creation create?


You must have sex, he told them, he told the sons, you must have sex.

And the sons refused, the sons ran away, the sons would not have sex, no.



Field of Desire is the love story of Šiva and Sati or Energy and Matter,  It is an immersion in the field created by their conversation, their lovemaking, their fights and their reconciliations.

Matter comes into existence becoming the resonance membrane that creates voice by fielding the energy volleys of her consort, Energy.


Wave forms explored in the opera center around the frequency of bees. Both the frequencies sung by bees and the way the comb vibrates such that all members of the community receive communication from all others simultaneously, are structures for immersion in the frequency opera field.


The operas all occur in the round with the audience engaging their kinesthetic perception as well as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting.

The extended film now available in planetarium form is intended to add two new movements of live performance. Composer Lisa Sokolov is creating fields of waving sound with 100 singers interwoven with the audience, who traverse fields of grain and flowers, vowels and consonants,  before entering the hive.