Field of Desire is the love story of Energy and Matter. It is an immersion in the field created by their conversation, their lovemaking, their fights and reconciliations.

The second Frequency Opera in the  R E C O M B I N A N T D N A cycle following The Birth of Color: A Marriage of Darkness and Light, Field of Desire explores a new set of frequencies from a different spectrum.

As with all of the Frequency Operas, the space is established with a pool of water in the center, the audience sitting around it, and the music and musicians surrounding the audience, so that all are held in the vibratory field.

There are several tellings of the story, each involving different senses and different languages of perceiving.

The visual telling in scientific language begins with the frequencies of the Cosmic Microwave Background, traveling through the development of the Dark Matter Matrix and the epochs – the Planck epoch, the Grand Unification Epoch, the Quark Epoch etc. as described by the theories of physics.

The story telling is a meditation on an ancient story from the Indus Valley civilization about the first consort of Šiva, who manifests as Sati.

The musical and sound telling centers on the frequency of bees. Bees, who have no ears, make a sound, usually at 160 – 170 hz, beating their wings to a rhythm that is on the border where pulse becomes tone. In communicating with each other, they use the comb of the hive as a sounding board or really a vibration board, as their perception of ‘sound’ is kinesthetic, through the whole body. Field of Desire plays on this form of perception, as well as the ears and eyes.