
october 19th 2024

Imagine the light

Not just the magnitude, but the penetration,
the suffusion -
As it hits each organ in your body
it breaks into a different color
as if each organic purpose

were an angle of a prism

with a frequency all its own.


A Cycle of 7 Frequency Operas



The Frequency Operas are performances and installations that immerse and engage all of our senses.


All 7 of the Frequency Operas are love stories. Each pair of lovers give us the chance to explore a polarity – such as,  The Birth of Color: A Marriage of Darkness and Light – within the field of their attraction.


Each FREQUENCYOPERA has two strands that intertwine to form its helix. One is a scientific perception, usually a spectrum of frequencies. The other is a myth, an ancient way of discussing an ecosystem and the human place within it.



Physics is discovering that everything is a form of organized vibration. String theory posits that both matter and energy are composed of vibrating strings. Creation is literally a symphony.

Our senses perceive some of these frequencies and present them to us as sound or color or smell or any one of a dozen forms of kinesthetic sensing from temperature to pressure. The reality of what is happening on a quantum level, what is happening on a universal level, what is happening out of our range of sight and sound is absolutely beyond human capacity to experience directly. Still, we are…… curious.

Through the creation of strong frequency fields, the Operas create an environment for exploring nature and perception. They play with the way our senses interpret the frequencies around us by amplifying and switching the information into a different sense organ.


One aspect of the play is to feel immersed in the frequency fields. The operas all occur in the round with the audience engaging their kinesthetic perception as well as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting.


The Frequency Operas are translations, in the way that a radar screen is a translation of a sonic frequency into a picture that we can see.

There are many spectra of frequencies. On the electro-magnetic spectrum, we see visible light, therefore color. Bees see a different spectrum which includes ultra-violet, other creatures see other parts of the spectrum. Humans have also invented interpretive instruments in order to sense gamma rays, radio waves, microwaves and other parts of the electro-magnetic continuum.

There are other spectra. The spectrum of matter is measured as the periodic table. The spectrum of music is pitch measured in hertz. All of these things are translations through our senses or instruments which make frequencies intelligible.