Composer of Birth 0f Color

Composer and conductor, Lucio Ivaldi was born in Rome in 1965, studied at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Composition, Choral Music and Choir, Piano and Music Teaching, graduating with honors in philosophy from the University of Rome.

In 1997 he founded the Cultural Association Diego Carpitella. He was the choir director of the Center for Practical Music in Rome and worked with the Chamber Choir of the Italian Centre for Early Music. He is an extremely active conductor of choral concerts and opera, taking part in exhibitions in Italy and abroad, in national and international choral music, and since 1994 has organized various exhibitions at the Aula Magna of the University and the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Lorenzo al Verano. He currently directs the choir Symphonia training devoted to the study and interpretation of the baroque repertoire supported by an instrumental group, and the Vocal Ensemble Symphonia, and chamber music repertoire with Renaissance.  Among recent activities are: the first performance of Puglia Stabat Mater by P. Cafaro; collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; recording two compact discs of sacred music by Vivaldi commissioned by the State Ministry of Heritage and Culture and the opera Orfeo and Euridice, which he also directed. Since 2002 he is also working on several projects with the Arts Academy (children’s choir, choir).

He has has to his credit about forty compositions of vocal and instrumental music as well as musicological writings published in various magazines. He has composed original music for television for RAI 3.

Mr Ivaldi is the Founder and President of fifth, a musical association with educational aims, educational, musicological research and artistic production. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Regional Choir of Lazio. He teaches Professor of Choral Conducting and Choral Repertoire at the Conservatory of Music in Benevento.

Mr Ivaldi is the choir conductor for Francesco Lotoro’s Musica Concentraria CD collection, which is where his collaboration with the Foah’s began. He now works with them on the Creativity in Captivity series as well.

Mr Ivaldi actively embraced the concept of a ‘frequency opera’ elaborating on the research and story Ms Foah brought to him with The Birth of Color, A Marriage of Darkness and Light.