Coming in 2028

Mr&Mrs Hades

Huddled in Time’s belly 

Amidst brothers and sisters

We were an original chaos  -  But Inside

I would dream

Envision -

and work out the math - joyously precise -

A cornucopia of gorgeous numbers,

An architecture of being




each other,

A delicate house of cards with the strength and resiliency to reorient, rebuild 

- Adapt.

Every time a card falls

or even if the House collapses 

New organisms arise, enter

the House,

build the House,

become the House


Mr. & Mrs. Hades is a story about a photo-sensitive process told through a photo-sensitive process.

It is a hymn to photosynthesis, the means by which all life sustains itself. The hexagonal green jewel of chlorophyll is a step-down transformer that turns pure white light into sugar, and so we all eat.

This Frequency Opera is exploring the frequency of green and it is exploring the photo-sensitive process of photosynthesis by means of photography. There are several photographic experiments in the images that form the environment for the opera – the application of electricity directly onto film, photographs of light using Goethe’s color theory experiments, and pinhole photographic techniques used with a scanner, among others.

other operas

  • Blood&Breath

    October 19th 2024

    Because in the beginning

    is the Word.

    The animal forms around it

    like a pearl.

    That initial disturbance of the field

    is a vibration - 

    folding the silence,

    and the animal emanates

    from that voice.

  • Field of desire


    Field of Desire is the love story of Energy and Matter. 


    It is an immersion in the field created by their conversation, their lovemaking, their fights and reconciliations.

  • THE Birth of color


    “God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through.” -Paul Valery

    The Birth of Color: A Marriage of Darkness and Light is a Frequency Opera based on ancient and new scientific ideas about the Creation of the universe.