One of the core feelings we want people to experience is of the power of the great beings. Myths are stories of the interacting forces of nature, who are portrayed in an anthropomorphic way, but are not remotely in the same scale as human beings. The environment for Mr&Mrs Hades will be a complete surround of enormous floor to ceiling animated images.

These images are from the first photo shoot for the opera in Iceland. They have not been retouched in any way.


Embryonic Consciousness I

Embryonic Consciousness II

There exists the moment of manifestation, inception, creation; dimensionally these exist at the same time in flux. Placing moments on a manufactured timeline, we sentient beings can virtually time travel without understanding the complexities of how to bend universes and thus get lost. We are creatures of archive and can only understand where we are in time by what is different from the past and present simultaneously. This event making practice utilizes incomprehensible energy.

Through the acceptance that a photograph can capture a moment in time, I wanted to push this acceptance to its purest form available to me; raw, unbiased, pure energy – as much as it utilizes our understanding of atomics anyway. Essentially removing the structural elements of a camera enclosure for film exposure, I began to experiment with allowing this energy to capture its own beginnings directly onto the film itself. An atomic etching of energies moment of birth into our world. The rawest most complex form of energy I could imagine was the creation of light. So many forces and frequencies all culminating and drawn to a specific moment in time to create a corporeal sighting of multidimensional existence. To achieve this archive of the birth of time I solicited the aide of a Wimshurst machine to create a large enough static charge which would discharge through sheets of black and white film. Each moment completely random recorded as unique histories of each encounter. A fleeting moment, understood only by the absence of its presence but immortalized by its birth certificate as proof that it did exist, and thus always exists and has always existed.

