Blood & Breath

Mahnaz Esmaeili is an accomplished multimedia scenographer, researcher, and translator with a rich and diverse career. Born on March 18, 1973, she holds dual Italian-Iranian nationality and has established herself as a significant figure in the fields of theater and digital technology.

In 2024, Mahnaz served as a contract lecturer at Sapienza University of Rome, teaching *Digital Technologies for Dance and Theater* within the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy. Additionally, she provided didactic tutoring for the Master’s course *Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality* at the Faculty of Architecture.

Mahnaz’s expertise in digital scenography is evident in her recent work for *Anna Cappelli* (2023), directed by Amedeo Fago at Teatro degli Occhi in Calvi degli Umbria, as well as for *Lettera a Mia Madre* by the same director. Her contributions also include visual content for the course on the history of scenography at the University of Milan, where she presented projects from Mopstudio and the performance *Augmented Me.*

Mahnaz’s career spans over two decades, during which she has collaborated with various cultural institutions and organizations. Notably, she worked on a multimedia architectural video mapping for the civic tower in Pomezia (Rome) in 2017 and was involved in multiple theatrical productions, including *The Language of the Wild Blackberries* and *Moel* as a multimedia scenographer.

In addition to her work in scenography, Mahnaz has been an active researcher and educator. She participated in the Baku International Theatre Conference in 2018, where she represented the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Her academic background includes a Ph.D. in Music and Performing Arts from Sapienza University of Rome, where her thesis explored the impact of electronic technologies on performance arts. She also holds a diploma in scenography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and a post-graduate master’s degree in animated cartoons from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran.

Mahnaz’s technical skills are extensive, encompassing software like Premiere, After Effects, Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Painter, and Illustrator. She has been recognized with several awards, including the SUPERNOVA award at the Pergine Festival in 2022 for her work on *Augmented Me* and various honors from theater festivals in Tehran.

Mahnaz is also an accomplished translator, having translated several significant works into Farsi, including *Arcobaligia* by Giovanni Coccia and Marco Cerminara, and *Reading a Multimedia Performance* by Anna Maria Monteverdi. Her contributions to literature and theater, alongside her technical and creative expertise, mark her as a distinguished figure in the intersection of traditional and digital arts.