Nicola Vidali

Blood & Breath

Nicola has 35+ years of experience heading up high profile marketing and communication projects across the globe for clients such as the United Nations, IRI, ICE, Delphi Automotive, NIKE, The Weather Channel, Starlight International, Roberto Cavalli, Lufthansa, and the Museum of Natural History in NYC. In 1993 Nicola founded Esperanto Inc. -The Art of Communication, a USA-based firm where he created and managed communication campaigns and event marketing/PR tactics for industrial, commercial and cultural applications.

In 2008 Nicola shifted his career and inter­ests to become involved in edu­ca­tional, social, and civic engage­ment ini­tia­tives with a range of non-profit orga­ni­za­tions, where he brings his entre­pre­neur­ial ability to con­nect the dots across fields and dis­ci­plines, with both cre­ative vision and con­crete logis­ti­cal integration.

In 2019 Nicola joined Zwan srl, an innovative marketing and communication company specialized in Contents Creation, Reputation Marketing and Reputation Literacy.