Lisa Sokolov

Soloist and Composer for Field of Desire

Lisa Sokolov is a singular frontline New York jazz vocalist, improviser, composer and educator. Her recordings as leader angel Rodeo, Lazy Afternoon, Presence and A Quiet Thing have all received multiple Best CD of the Year citations including Best of the year, Best of the Decade and Rising Star for Presence from DownBeat Magazine. She has recorded on Soul Note, Uneet, Aum, Boxholder, Between the Lines and Laughing Horse Records. Her composition and performance includes solo, chamber and large ensemble work.

Her latest albums from her extensive work for composer William Parker including Lazy Afternoon and Stan’s Hat Flapping in the Wind were widely found on Best of the Year lists including from the NY Times, National Public Radio, JazzTimes and the Wire. Sokolov’s composition, vocals and acting are featured in the newly released Field of Desire: The Marriage of Energy and Matter directed by Honora Foah which was selected as Best Film from ARFF Berlin Festival and Semi-Finalist for Best Animation ARFF Paris Festival.

She has performed at the Montreaux Jazz Festival, The Stimmen Festival, Opera House of Lyons, the Spoleto Festival, the Kool Jazz Festival, The Vision Festival, Havana International Jazz Festival, the Tampere Jazz Happening, Brisbane Festival, The Knitting Factory, The Bottom Line, Alice Tully Hall, Symphony Space and many other venues.

Sokolov teaches internationally and is a long time Full Arts Professor at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. As the originator of the method Embodied VoiceWork, Sokolov is acknowledged as a pioneer in the application of vocal work in the field of Music Therapy, Arts Education and Human Potential work. She leads trainings in this work internationally. Her new book “Embodied VoiceWork: Beyond Singing from Barcelona Publisher, a theoretical, practical and poetic guide to her method is widely used as a resource and is newly translated into Korean and presently being translated into Spanish. A cantorial student of sacred jewish music, her work as a lay cantor has been featured in A CBS Special, “Sacred Art; Ancient Voices.”

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