Jonathan Warren

Blood & Breath, Field of Desire, and Mr. & Mrs. Hades

Jonathan Warren is a self identified Visual Anthropologist combining the toolset of his education in linguistic anthropology and visual arts.

Jonathan’s personal work orbits the conversation of masculinity under the pseudonym JonnySacco. Granting access to investigate through the lens of this persona, the accountability of masculine culture is put on trial. Never soliciting an answer in his work, JonnySacco creates intimate pragmatic visualizations for the viewer to then advocate their own response.

JonnySacco’s Chronicles of a Yellow Boy is an ever-growing catalogue of works adding to his academic thesis, of which selections are still in circulation at Universities, Embassies, and Museums around the world. He chooses people for investigation, as well as responding to requests for inclusion in the catalog. If chosen, JonnySacco interviews them using the process developed for Chronicles of a Yellow Boy that he first applied to himself.

He has commissioned works in private collections in the US, Europe, and Hong Kong.

Currently, Jonathan is collaborating with Honora Foà on her 7-piece cycle, RecombinantDNA – sensory works utilizing myth, creation, morality, and frequencies both physical and metaphysical.