Coming in 2026

Viktor & ELizabeth

This is the desire body and this is the freedom drive.

Made out of the desires of men, for the benefit of a man,

when I became flesh 

they could not forgive me for having desires of my own,

We are at the mercy of life. We do not control the shape of our bodies,

when we are born, how we are born.

We exist at the pleasure and through the pleasure of others

Born into helplessness.

The helplessness of the child makes

the longing for freedom, for power, for choosing,

for our own desires to prevail.

This is the desire body and this is the instrument of betrayal.

other operas

  • Blood&Breath

    October 19th 2024

    Because in the beginning

    is the Word.

    The animal forms around it

    like a pearl.

    That initial disturbance of the field

    is a vibration - 

    folding the silence,

    and the animal emanates

    from that voice.

  • Field of desire


    Field of Desire is the love story of Energy and Matter. 


    It is an immersion in the field created by their conversation, their lovemaking, their fights and reconciliations.

  • THE Birth of color


    “God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through.” -Paul Valery

    The Birth of Color: A Marriage of Darkness and Light is a Frequency Opera based on ancient and new scientific ideas about the Creation of the universe.