An audio excerpt from the narration of Mr&Mrs Hades –

this is the story of Narcissus and Echo, a story embedded within the longer story of Persephone, Demeter and Hades.

Echo is the sign of the entanglement of all the worlds.

Echo is the entanglement of all the worlds.

She is the voice of again, she is Re

Goddess of Resonance

She is the return and the reply

the reiteration of everything you have ever said or done

as it bounces off the walls of Paradise and the chambers of the land of the dead


through all the kingdoms


redolent with the judgement and mercy of angels and devils

giving you time to reconsider and respect –

re-spect – to look again –

at what you say and do and feel





relinquish           each note into its consequence


reflect – ahh, here she meets her love, Narcissus,

dissolved in reflection

refracted into the depths of the surface that would not let him touch.


He did not let her touch

and now he is lost in the hall of mirrors

his glass heart silvered

echoing back his face his beauty his untouchable distain

without empathy or soul

he remains

on the hard surface

dying for the one touch he cannot have.

Without renewal, only remorse, he re-enters the silence of the underworld



But she! Echo is with you always everytime you


every time you listen everytime you repeat and rewind and review

everytime you react and recant and repent

everytime you regard and refresh and refuse,


each morning that you rewaken with the remembrance of your dream

resounding throughout the day

reassuring you of the presence of your beloved dead,


Echo          a sonorant susurrus

revolving your heart through the harmonics of each person you have known each word you have said each note raised and returned from the surfaces of your life,

the walls of the world.


Each moment echoes forever

as the famous fluttering of the butterfly who starts a hurricane

Echo’s reverberations may seem like chaos but in fact are so finely tuned

to their source that it is through her exquisite renewal that all resurrection is possible


Her voice is your voice.


She gifts it to you, so that you can hear.